Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Yoga Challenge

By now, a few of you know that I have a new site in the works; a real, actual dot com. So, the majority of my energy has been going towards producing content for that and the rest of life and thus, not writing as much on here but I have not forgotten you all. There's a lot of exciting things on the horizon..

One of which is a 5-Day Yoga Challenge I put to myself, the idea coming from a good hour long yoga session to twist out a hangover. Since I'm always bitching about scattering my energy by taking on too many athletic endeavors, I wanted to streamline and focus on maintaining a regular, consistent yoga practice that lives up to my ideals (or at least gets close). 
One hour a day, five days a week of damn good yoga. Simple enough, right? Well try it, and see how many obstacles and mental roadblocks jump out of seemingly no-where to try and stop you. But, you must breathe through it and persevere and to the victor will assuredly go the spoils. I'm currently on Day 3 and there will be a comprehensive personal report for each day. Should be interesting. 

I think this will be a thing I do from now on.. keep with short goals both to keep up with my desired level or physical fitness and to keep myself from getting bored with the same old routine always. One week I may combine Capoeira and dumbbells, another alternate different styles of yoga like I am now, or even running, since the weather is beginning to taper down to coolness once again. 

Who knows, but you can be sure to hear all about my exploits friends..fear not. 

As for the site, I have a name and a tagline but it will be a closely guarded secret until its launch, of which the exact date is still unknown. I'm shooting for either the end of this month (September) or the beginning of October. We shall see. So far so good, though!

As always, thanks so much for stopping by and keep checking back for more details!


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