Wednesday, September 18, 2013

odd thoughts and side notes

 1. So I'm doing this three day training at work, what it is about is unimportant but what is, at least to me, is how EVERYONE comes in and sits in the exact same seat they did the day before, and tomorrow will be no different; it's like we've already mentally nested up and everyone just either feels comfortable most where they originally sat or they just don't want to upset the social balance of things by moving into another seat, even though there are no names or claims on them.

2. It's funny to me how some of my posts get such high hits (views) while others, and some where I really pour my heart out into, some of my most personal ones, get so little. I'm sure it has much more to do with timing and visibility than anything, just think it's interesting. Or maybe I try too hard sometimes? I'm not writing for popularity but I do keep up on the traffic levels, mainly out of curiosity.

3. Human beings have a strange relationship with pain and suffering. We do everything in our way to avoid pain, and end up causing ourselves suffering and go out of our way to revolt against suffering yet cause ourselves so much pain in the process. Work, relationships, family, friends, life... some we choose, others are chosen for us. Again, just seems funny to me. Life is funny, people are funny.
  I guess it takes a certain kind of humor or personality to understand the humor in it but its all just one big, cosmic joke it seems. Just keep laughing world, and it'll all work out in the end.

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