Thursday, August 22, 2013

Out to pasture

  I've never been one to keep up with the times, because for one I think it's extremely depressing and watching the news almost always leaves me in a miserable fury; it seems futile to even get upset about things because it's so common to be told "there's nothing you can do" anyway. Yes and No. You see, that answer actually infuriates me more because all I hear is laziness and that they've given up. Sure, let's just let "them" continue to keep taking it all away from us; they know that we know (or think, anyhow) that there's not a damn thing we can do about it anyway.

  Well they're wrong. And we're wrong, you're wrong and I'm wrong, if we all buy into that hopeless existence. There is always something that can be done. Clearly the seeds of revolution are sown deep in me but as much as I'd love to see the townsfolk marching down the street with pitchforks and primitive torches, intent on overthrowing some corrupt shit at whatever cost, it's just not appealing to me, and frankly, it solves nothing save for some really extreme cases of second and third-world poverty, government corruption, etc.
  We don't need a bloodbath here in America, but we do have a need for people to start waking the fuck up. Rub the dirt from your eyes and look out there and see what's going on, and do something about it however small, instead of going home to your lazy boy and 700 channels of cable you don't even watch 15 of. And you can only watch one at a time, so give me a fucking break, people.

  We're spoiled brats is what it comes down to, and as long as we have our material comforts and the capitalist machine keeps bombarding our brainwaves with messages to BUY! SALE! FREE LAYAWAY! and everything else, we're kept like the pleasant little docile cattle we are. No one wants an unruly cash cow, now do they? They get turned into hamburger real quick. Same thing happens when you go against the popular flow but it's not so bad, and that's the only way there will ever be any change made in this country, if we all stick together and hit them where it hurts: their wallets.
  I'm sure you're familiar with the concept of a boycott, yes? Or an hour where everyone ideally turns out all lights and off with all electronics to save the Earth an immense amount of energy production and distribution by-products. They all sounds great but sadly, they seldom ever work. Why? No one cares. Sure, some do but generally we're all too busy playing on our phones or computers with every light on in the house (especially in rooms no one is even in), with five tv's on and three radios... ugh. Would it kill you to light a fuckin' candle and go without any sort of electronic for ONE HOUR OUT OF THE ENTIRE YEAR? Probably not.

  Yes, I'm cynical. No, I don't like the idea of humanity very much. I am however, still cursed with this deep love and respect and eternal hopefulness that we can live up to our ideals, despite everything. It's just going to take a lot of work on everyone's parts, and there needs to be a collective awakening to get the ball rolling successfully, otherwise it looks like we're gonna soon be taxed for our lung capacity and fined for sticking your tongue out and tasting the rain. Someone owns the rights to that already, you know.
  it's just sad, really sad. All over the world, people are starving and dying and generally going through personal hells every day that we can't even begin to fathom. Shame on al of us for turning on the news and saying "ooh" and "oh my god, that's horrible", because we don't have one iota of a clue as to what it's like to struggle through life, and we can always turn the news off; it ends there fore us but for others, it never stops. We get raped financially, yeah, but it's our own fault for letting it come to that in the first place. Somewhere, someone along the line just started getting lazy and settling for second best because they were comfortable, then everyone else followed suit. Well, comfort is a double-edged sword, my friends so choose the comfort you desire wisely.

  I have no answers, and I offer no solutions. I know what I believe in, and I know that my money buys power, ultimately. My money that I earn goes towards ideas and industries I believe in, that can ultimately help all human beings out. Decide what matters to you, and then come to understand how that may or may not affect others. Are you supporting a hardworking, local or small business who focuses on quality or are you just stuffing the fat pockets of some multi-billionaire who doesn't give two shits about you. You're a statistic. Worse yet, a demographic; you're not even a human being anymore.
  Wake up. Claim your humanity. Hit 'em where it hurts.

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