I'm Shane, and welcome to my headspace. It's that place we all have inside us but are not always so willing to visit. It's dark, sometimes scary but sometimes light and free. It's life, and the ups and downs of my love affair with it.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
a part of a whole
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
infection detective
Not one scientist, doctor or other rational-minded individual present could explain the phenomena, though each one was viewing the spectacle with their own eyes, and so that it was actually happening, had happened, could not be refuted. Stunned, all anyone could do was sit and watch and wait, but for what no one rightly knew.
Perhaps the man would fall over onto his side, all color having gone from his skin and close his eyes in the big sleep. Or maybe he would simply crumble and turn to dust before them; at this point, nothing was out of the question.
Very little is known about the man, where he came from or how he came to be in such a state; throat opened neatly across, having spilled its contents over the front of the man, saturating him in a hideous red, sticky film, the blood having been dry for an indeterminate amount of time. It would seem he simply just materialized on the front steps leading to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta.
The place has gotten enough media attention having been in The Walking Dead, so that it was some sort of publicity stunt by some hardcore horror nut had not been overlooked. But, there was something different about this, not ominous in the least, though understandably unnerving; It seemed more akin to an intense demonstration of something, to show someone what they had not been seeing.
That day, nothing was clear and answers were sparse but in the coming days and weeks and months, more information began to come out and shed some light on the strange occurrence and feed the public's insatiable curiosity.
The body was of a 38- year old man of solid build who, at first, had appeared to be homeless, wearing dirty rags and looking quite disheveled, as there had been no forthcoming information on the subject (his age was determined through saliva samples) to that point. Eventually news broke of his identity as a former student of film and avid Hatha yogi, having left his studies early on to travel to India in order to pursue his true interest.
Little is known of what or who he studied with while there but it has been a popular speculation in certain circles that the man was a true adept, and had reached the highest point of his practice in meditation and was no longer privy to our understanding of the natural world, or how things should function in it. Further mumblings, later developed after having learned of the body's mysterious disappearance from the morgue it was taken to, reasoned that the man was not even there in the first place; that he was simply a projection of his celestial body, having turned back into the particulates of light that he, all of us, had manifested from originally.
He returned to stardust, but whatever message he may have been trying to send had been lost in translation, pining over the physical details of the matter. I guess, in a way, he had gotten his message across though, in that there are things in this life one can never understand by looking outside with reasoning eyes.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
in the beginning...
Monday, October 21, 2013
Sunday, October 20, 2013
I forgot what it was like to get lost in a story, to feel your pulse quicken and to picture yourself there, using your brain's finest powers of imagination. Perhaps that is a writer's curse? Too busy writing all the time and not taking enough time to read.. or perhaps it is only MY curse. Either way, it's the season of spook and it is thoroughly fulfilling to lose myself in the mad and macabre, especially during the changing of darker seasons.
And this got me to thinking again, and wanting now to put more focus on trying to write stories again, short ones, like Mr. Lovecraft, though mine would have to contain some element of mysticism or spirituality; spiritual or existential horror, perhaps.. If there is such a thing. Horror is a subjective thing, though; what terrifies one enthralls another, so it is purely an expression based off the author's own.
Truth is, I have no ideas to start on. Never do. Sometimes you just have to start writing and get the wheel turning manually. Most importantly, I need to remind myself that it is an art and a craft, and as such will need work to constantly and consistently improve; in other words, this shit doesn't write itself, so get moving!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
3 of Poetry
That about sums it up; thank you, Mr. Blake.
For what seems like a long time now, I've been wanting to do this writing thing. For real. It is, however, all too easy for me to overlook the fact that I am already doing it. I am a writer and it's what I do, regardless of what I do or do not have published or in print.
But I have something to say. A lot, actually, and I want to reach a wider audience because I don't know why. Why the hell not, really.
It's something I'm guided by, driven by... I haven't made much of it but this blog and actively putting my stuff out there has been such an immense personal step for me, and the fact that people come up to me and mention how they "read my blog" touches me so deeply my eyes are moist just thinking about it.
It's a labor of love, and the best I can hope for is that someone can feel it when they read it, the way my favorites make me feel it when I read them. Thank you, Henry Miller.
I have big things in mind but, as with all important things in my life, time must be taken for the seed to reach its full germination, when it is strong enough to grow on its own. When that time comes, I just know.
Part of my confliction is my relationship with work: I enjoy staying busy and feeling I have a purpose, and of course making money to be able to live but so often that's all we have time for. We get up, go to work, come home for a little then go back again. Writing is as natural for me as breathing but it always has to contend for a time slot with the rest of my societal obligations. As much as I would love to just spend weeks or months at a time living the Walden life, it is simply not practical at this point. In this society, though I am gaining much optimism and hope for the future I want as I get further into 'Off The Grid'.
I only wish to create meaningful things that others can relate to but getting it going in any kind of direction is tough when you're as neurotic and hyper-critical as I am but I write every day (pretty much), and part of being a writer (part of being anything) is that it never sleeps. Day in, day out I'm observing, taking note, refining, studying and solidifying my own unique version of life; one day it will be a great read ;)
Friday, October 11, 2013
sink pisser
A few seconds later the owner comes out, storming over to the table where the man's friends were sitting and tells them that their friend is done and needs to get the hell out of his store. Still confused, I continue to shop but hone my attention on to what they were saying.. Apparently, the man was pretty drunk and was pissing in the sink; on top of it, he didn't speak a word of English.
It was a pretty awkward situation, hearing him explain to the man's confused friends that he was pissing in the sink and he doesn't want to see him in this store again. It led me to thinking: why aren't we pissing in sinks? Guys, i mean.
Think about it. Clearly our aim is off at times, and despite our best efforts to remember to put the seat down, it just doesn't always happen, so the common sink is a perfect solution! One can also conserve water in the process, washing their hands all while washing the pee down the drain, and it's the perfect height with no splash or splatter, though admittedly I am not aware of the logistics of the sink water system i.e. where the water goes and if it doesn't get treated like toilet water does?
It's a mystery..
And in case you're wondering, I have not forgotten about urinals; it seems they are the meeting ground in the middle but are not without their own challenges. I guess it doesn't really matter what kind of receptacle you put up, someone's going to piss all over it or on it but not in it. If it continues to be a problem, catheterization may be an upcoming trend we'll be seeing.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
in case of the end of the world
In case of the end of the world, do nothing. There’s already nothing being done all over the place, so no need to start now. Survive. Thrive.
Consider it a blessing that our crutches have been smashed to bits and thrown away before our very eyes because we don’t need them; we’re lazy, apathetic, complacent.
It’s time to open those sleepy eyes and stretch slumbering limbs, get the feeling of blood flowing in our veins again. It’s been too long since we’ve felt truly alive. That fear you feel is good, it’s normal, it’s human; use it, for it has gotten us through hard times for centuries.
Instinct and self-preservation become predominant traits; selfishness will ultimately break out until the fittest take their rightful place in the social order, and I do not mean by musculature alone; a suitable leader will be honest with himself and others, and act out of consideration to all whom his (or her) decisions affect.
Too long we’ve been lulled to the sleep of death swaddled in lies; the age of truth is upon us, and it hurts. It will hurt. But pain is good, pain is cleansing. Through suffering we come out stronger and more galvanized than before, having made it through the trial by fire.
Zombies are the least of our concerns.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
early morning riser.
For a while, I thought that I had to get up at 4 or 5 to do my yoga practice (ahem, asana practice) but I'm seeing it differently now: I'm seeing that I am doing it, every minute of every day, either consciously or unconsciously. That is only something that comes with practice and I'm far from ideal, at least in my mind. For now, friends, it shall do.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
On being a bastard.
So, for as peaceful as I am it stands to reason that I am a seething ball of chaos not far below the surface. I really don't intend for this to paint a melodramatic picture of my life because it is far from terrible, however, the burden I carry lies within me.
Everyone suffers in their own ways. Life, is suffering. Period. What it means, it means to us alone and it's what we made it to, to appease our deeper desires that wish to pull something from the experience of it.
I like these dark days of mine but it's all too comfortable and easy to get lost in; I've tasted that darkness once already and don't wish to go back. I won't go back. But, it's still pertinent to poke your head in there once in a while, see if anything changed or to realign with yourself.
I feel helpless other than to write out these demons so they don't overstay their welcome, as they have before. Maybe for some, psychotherapy works but I don't believe in that either. I don't think it's right to be paid money to do what we should be doing for each other in the first place, out of goodwill towards men (and women), to have someone determine what the mental health of an individual costs per hour.
The world has lost touch, and this is the part where the blame gets passed, the fingers get pointed. I can't blame any one thing in particular because it's a collective failing. I hate that couch surfing is our national pastime, and that a television has now replaced the campfire as a social circle to congregate around. I hate seeing people with their faces in their phones constantly, like we can't be stand to be bored for two seconds and just stand there and observe. I hate that chain restaurants are the new home dinner, and the reason it is that way.
Most of all, I hate that I do all this myself; I'm trapped, a prisoner in my own mind and only I have the key. If there is one thing I know, however, it's that it's not going to be found in any one of 9,000 channels.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Borrowed Creativity.. Do the Astral Plane!
I could be out, running errands and spending money I don't need to spend on stuff I don't really need at this exact point and time but instead I'm here, and there's no place else I'd rather be, no time or place it could be but now.
Feel it. Suck air. Kick out whatever jams you love loud as hell and let's do this.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
down on the upside
I'm very close with my parents, and rightly so as I'm an only child, and it's not all that uncommon or unethical in other countries for whole families to share housing. We just have this stupid attitude that we all need our own slice of the American Dream but there's another name for that and it's greed. The whole thing sickens me, from the top to the bottom. We were born on this earth, live off this earth, so when did it become a thing for someone to have the balls to charge us for our right to live?
Homelessness is a thing. Poverty is a thing. And no one is safe.
The cost of living goes up while the value of life goes down. Can you really blame people for committing suicide? I can't. And on that topic, i furthermore would not know what to say to someone if they told me they wanted to. As a good friend, one is pretty much obligated to defend their right to live but each person suffers in their own way. Who are we to tell them they must stay and suffer?
The answer has more to do with religious dogma than anything, and this ridiculous belief that you won't be let into the secret fucking garden if you kill yourself, or you'll be trapped between planes of existence and your soul will never rest. How is that any different from every day life?
I will not lie that I believe it's all gonna come crashing down on us one day; I do not live in constant fear of it like some but the pressure has been building for a long time, and things are not getting better, they're just not.
So much trust we put in our money and the government but what is guaranteed us? Death and taxes. If you need a ridiculous example of this, consider the inheritance tax.
Maybe it's always been like this, I don't know. I only have 29 years of living experience and insight to go off of but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that things are bad and wrong. Being (even partially) off-grid seems more and more appealing each day. I don't want to stay stuck to the nipple my whole life. I don't want someone else making decisions for me, not in my best interest.
I want to live my goddamn life the way I see fit. I'm not hurting anyone, I just want to be left alone. I don't want to have to pick a career to enslave myself to for the sole purpose of making more of something that buys me nothing of any lasting value.
The whole thing, life as we made it, is an elaborate ruse but the good news is that humor is not lost on it, though it takes a certain kind of humor and understanding of the deeper workings of things to appreciate it. In any case, I don't have any answers, just vitriol and contempt and a lot of sad and angry. Things could be so beautiful, life could be so beautiful without all this excess, without all this want and need, forever the material of books and movies... but not reality.