Thursday, October 31, 2013

a part of a whole

Evolution really fucked us up. Getting all dolled up on Sundays and days of the week to go play make believe with that imaginary friend no one ever had the heart to tell you wasn’t real. It’s sad. Makes my heart heavy for people but especially for the little ones who are raised on spoonfuls of the stuff; they don’t even have a choice. The idea of true freedom sounds nice but it isn’t quite apparent when you consider the fact that someone who is not competent to make their own decisions o form their own beliefs, is fed and taught what they’re to believe. 


Why do people do what they do? No one seems to have any idea. I guess it’s just what you do, like going to college, getting married and having a family with a house a dog and a big yard. The reality of that is, the whole time in college was wasted getting wasted and having license to be sexually promiscuous (and that’s where the family comes from), then getting married as a way to try and make amends to yourself or someone else that has too large of a role in your life and decision-making process. Making another mistake will not cancel out the first one.
Add to this now the little love nest, the ideal home for your idyllic family to blossom in and how it straps you to the bone with payments you begin to fall behind on, because those aren't the only bills anyone has. Remember college? Yeah, you'll be paying that one off for a long time and all other manner of fun distractions rape your credit card bills every month until you're right where "they" want you. 
Because of tensions regarding a shortage of money, your marriage becomes a battleground for resentment and bitter fights which will one day lead to divorce and another child with a broken home, making you question why you ever got married in the first place, and of course you know you never should have.

This is the American dream, just not the way you were led to believe it would turn out.

Now, I have a grand tendency to generalize things in very broad strokes. I’m not talking about ALL people, just about 95% of them, give or take. Some semblance of security is important though, so I don’t want to be the one to tell you it’s all wrong; if it gets you through a rough time or a rough life then brother, sister, by all means go for it. It just confuses me a little, and I think it’s a good idea to have a solid idea why, rather than just doing what a lemming would do. It’s global, almost at a pandemic level and with no signs of slowing. Far, far away I would love to live outside the boundaries of this infernal death machine, this rat race march of lemmings off unspeakable fucking cliffs to impale ourselves on the spires of greed.

No one's perfect and that's what I mean when I say we're all in this together. We're all fucked, so no matter what, we share that common bond. It's time to wake up now. Turn the TV off, because you don't need any of that shit they're trying to sell you and if you do, then you can go and get it on your terms. Money talks, and bullshit walks. Since we're the ones with the strings coming out of our legs and arms and asses, it's about time we gave a real show that no one's buying into or paying out for...

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