Friday, October 11, 2013

sink pisser

  One day a few weeks ago now, i was in my most favorite of beer stores and as I'm perusing the 22oz. bomber bottle selection, I see the owner go in to the bathroom out of the corner of my eye. There was already a man in there. It seemed rather strange but I didn't question it but there sounded like rather perturbed conversation coming from behind the closed door.
  A few seconds later the owner comes out, storming over to the table where the man's friends were sitting and tells them that their friend is done and needs to get the hell out of his store. Still confused, I continue to shop but hone my attention on to what they were saying.. Apparently, the man was pretty drunk and was pissing in the sink; on top of it, he didn't speak a word of English.

  It was a pretty awkward situation, hearing him explain to the man's confused friends that he was pissing in the sink and he doesn't want to see him in this store again. It led me to thinking: why aren't we pissing in sinks? Guys, i mean.

  Think about it. Clearly our aim is off at times, and despite our best efforts to remember to put the seat down, it just doesn't always happen, so the common sink is a perfect solution! One can also conserve water in the process, washing their hands all while washing the pee down the drain, and it's the perfect height with no splash or splatter, though admittedly I am not aware of the logistics of the sink water system i.e. where the water goes and if it doesn't get treated like toilet water does?

  It's a mystery..

  And in case you're wondering, I have not forgotten about urinals; it seems they are the meeting ground in the middle but are not without their own challenges. I guess it doesn't really matter what kind of receptacle you put up, someone's going to piss all over it or on it but not in it. If it continues to be a problem, catheterization may be an upcoming trend we'll be seeing.

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