Tuesday, October 29, 2013

infection detective

  There wasn't a drop of blood left in his body but the man continued on, or at least as it appeared, living. Existing. But there was no breath coming in or leaving his body; he appeared to be caught in a state of suspended animation, it seems.
  Not one scientist, doctor or other rational-minded individual present could explain the phenomena, though each one was viewing the spectacle with their own eyes, and so that it was actually happening, had happened, could not be refuted. Stunned, all anyone could do was sit and watch and wait, but for what no one rightly knew.
  Perhaps the man would fall over onto his side, all color having gone from his skin and close his eyes in the big sleep. Or maybe he would simply crumble and turn to dust before them; at this point, nothing was out of the question.

  Very little is known about the man, where he came from or how he came to be in such a state; throat opened neatly across, having spilled its contents over the front of the man, saturating him in a hideous red, sticky film, the blood having been dry for an indeterminate amount of time. It would seem he simply just materialized on the front steps leading to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta.
  The place has gotten enough media attention having been in The Walking Dead, so that it was some sort of publicity stunt by some hardcore horror nut had not been overlooked. But, there was something different about this, not ominous in the least, though understandably unnerving; It seemed more akin to an intense demonstration of something, to show someone what they had not been seeing.

  That day, nothing was clear and answers were sparse but in the coming days and weeks and months, more information began to come out and shed some light on the strange occurrence and feed the public's insatiable curiosity.
  The body was of a 38- year old man of solid build who, at first, had appeared to be homeless, wearing dirty rags and looking quite disheveled, as there had been no forthcoming information on the subject (his age was determined through saliva samples) to that point. Eventually news broke of his identity as a former student of film and avid Hatha yogi, having left his studies early on to travel to India in order to pursue his true interest.
  Little is known of what or who he studied with while there but it has been a popular speculation in certain circles that the man was a true adept, and had reached the highest point of his practice in meditation and was no longer privy to our understanding of the natural world, or how things should function in it.  Further mumblings, later developed after having learned of the body's mysterious disappearance from the morgue it was taken to, reasoned that the man was not even there in the first place; that he was simply a projection of his celestial body, having turned back into the particulates of light that he, all of us, had manifested from originally.
  He returned to stardust, but whatever message he may have been trying to send had been lost in translation, pining over the physical details of the matter. I guess, in a way, he had gotten his message across though, in that there are things in this life one can never understand by looking outside with reasoning eyes.

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